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The Letdowns


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This game is not on the defense. I know no one is saying it but they did their job keeping the Giants to 13 points. With the way our offense has been playing the last few weeks, that should of been enough for a W. Hurts was terrible for 3 quarters but got you to where you needed to be at the end and Rigor blows it. He should be cut. The Eagles won't do it, but they should. He gives you nothing on offense and he doesn't even get passed the 20 on a kickoff. And when he does return a punt, he either catches it inside the 5 yard line or barley gets you 10 yards and decent field position to work with. Herbig had 2 bad holding penalties with one of them bringing back a Boston Scott touchdown. Hurts first pick was a bad one. I believe we were in field goal position and he throws a bad interception. That's 3 points right there. The next after the Herbig penalty where hurts throws another bad pick before halftime. Throw the ball away. Live for another down and take the 3 again. That's now 6 points left off the board. Classic Eagles. After watching the Sixers last night and this game today, it's just another classic Philly team disappointing you right where they think they have you. 

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How can we be let down?  Everyone knows that we have no QB.

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Saying the defense did their job by holding the Giants to 13 points isn't saying much, the Giants offense sucks, the Giants did a really good job if holding themselves to 13 points.

Eagles didn't get much pressure, their blitzes didn't get home they didn't force any turnovers and basically let the Giants move the ball between the 20s.

They got a few 3 and outs against a really bad offense and that's about it.

They didnt totally crap the bed like the offense but let's no act like they shut down the greatest show on turf.

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Can we please refer to him by his christian name, Reno Reagor.

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31 minutes ago, wholesale_Melvin said:

Can we please refer to him by his christian name, Reno Reagor.

the really sad part is that Reno had better hands than Reagor.. I mean seriously...how does he let that pass on 4th down travel right through his hands??????

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Bad game all around. The passing game STINKS for the Eagles. My lord, do they need another WR. 

If you would have told me before the game that the Giants would have scored 13 points, I would have assumed the Iggles win the game something like 27-13.


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Did anyone on the team play well??   This loss was on the entire team … coaches included.  

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Would have liked to see the team play it more conservative and lean on the running game more.  This was the type of game where field goals are your friend as well.  Hurts should have been coached up better on that play before the end of the first half.  That ball belonged out of bounds.

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29 minutes ago, time2rock said:

Did anyone on the team play well??   This loss was on the entire team … coaches included.  

Singleton with another double digit tackle game

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11 hours ago, time2rock said:

Did anyone on the team play well??   This loss was on the entire team … coaches included.  

I know it is a team game, but we had some good long drives killed by double coverage...I mean yes, somebody called those pass/RPos but Iam sure Siri didn't add "and make sure you throw it to double coverage" when he was calling those plays...but yes, he should have known better who is his passer...the most annoying thing on this is, that if we did ZERO pass whole game we would probably win 😄

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9 hours ago, GroundAttack said:

Singleton with another double digit tackle game

Meh. Tackles can be over rated especially if they’re happening downfield. His man got the touchdown in the game. 

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9 hours ago, Procus said:

Would have liked to see the team play it more conservative and lean on the running game more.  This was the type of game where field goals are your friend as well.  Hurts should have been coached up better on that play before the end of the first half.  That ball belonged out of bounds.

The running game has been working extremely well for us the past few weeks ... not sure why Sirianna got cute and strayed from it.  I will say though that our passing game DOES need to develop, and in a year where I have zero expectations of winning a championship, it didn't bother me to test the passing game more to see if they could get it started.  That test obviously failed big time.  Hurts will learn from those mistakes ... if not he will be replaced.  It doesn't help that he doesn't have much in the way of receivers to throw the ball to.  At WR he really only has Smith (and Watkins to an extent) ... Reagor offers absolutely nothing (nothing you couldn't get from a rookie FA).  At TE we have Goedert.  At RB we have Gainwell.  Those are really the only receiving options.  

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The whole game was a mess, after 4 weeks running all over everyone, we come out throwing, even though we had our 1st string tailback in, then Hurts throws ugly picks into traffic, but after the first two, what sort of coach doesn't switch to some short routes to try and get some completions and at least get the chains moving, instead we run another slow ass long developing play and Hurts underthrows another dope interception after staring down the receiver for a full 5 seconds.

Outside of the O Line and the linebackers the team isn't developing, everything else is static or regressing.

We've had 5 WR coaches in 6 years and they all suck and Moorehead is the only guy to make it to 2 seasons and he may be the worst, another 2 scores dropped Yesterday, we aren't good enough as a team to be throwing away chances to put points on the board.

Yesterday was an ugly game of football, and Hurts needs that to be his last multiple turnover game this season or he's going to goad Howie into pissing away a first round pick on a QB that isn't worth it or all 3 to trade for a QB that definitely isn't worth it.

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If I were to place blame for this game in order I’d say number three on the list would be Sirianni for coming up with a gameplan that put Jalen Reagor as the main target of the day. The second person falls on Hurts. His drive killing turnovers cost the team points twice, of course one of those times should have been a touchdown. A touchdown was called back due a holding penalty. Truly this was a team loss and the injuries to key players cost this team at critical moments. Sanders got hurt again and it forced them to give the ball to Scott way too much and he had a terrible 4th quarter fumble. Driscoll with two bad penalties cost a touchdown and a big run by Hurts. Ward drops a touchdown and Hurts throws a stupid pick the next play. Not for nothing, but the defense gets a pass, because the Giants only scored 13 points, but like someone else wrote they didn’t cause any turnovers today, they didn’t get a lot of pressure, and when they needed to make a stop gave up a 7 minute drive from inside the ten. Still the number one person to blame here is Reagor. Two opportunities to win this game and he dropped both of them. They hit him right in the hands. There is no excuse for that. All the other mistakes are magnified due to his drops. I do find it funny that some of the loudest people blaming Hurts and only Hurts for this loss defended Wentz for doing the same crap for years. Agholor drops on pass in a game like this and those guys would kill him despite Wentz and his multiple turnovers in that game. This dude pulled an Agholor squared, but no it’s just on the quarterback. 

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This loss is squarely on Sirianni and Hurts for the most part, with Reagor driving the final nail in the coffin.  The game plan sucked, the play calling sucked and Hurts sucked.  We already know Reagor sucks. 

The sequence of plays from 1st and goal that ended up in one of Hurts' horrible INTs was inexplicable.  The lack of targets for Smith and Goedert was inexplicable.  Those are game plan/execution problems.  The drops by Reagor on the final drive were just salt in the puss-filled wound.  

The best thing I can say about yesterday is it again exposes the weaknesses in the passing game and will help ultimately assess what we need to do in the offseason.  All the recent chatter about Hurts "playing his way to be the future" in Philly needs to be tested. 

We ultimately can't "hide" our QB by running the ball the whole time.  Teams can legitimately compete with a strong run game, a "game managing" QB that can make a "couple plays" only if that's accompanied by a dominant defense.  And, that's a formula that you just don't see too often anymore.  There will be games that need to be won by passing the ball.  Hurts is underwhelming as a passer thus far.  He makes some good throws...but for every good throw, there's at least 2 bad ones.  He's also questionable at seeing the field and progressing through his reads.

The Eagles need to run basically a 50/50 balanced offense the rest of the season.  We need to see Hurts as a passer to see if he can develop more or if this is all he is.  If this is all he is, we will be looking for a QB in offseason.

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23 minutes ago, EazyEaglez said:

If I were to place blame for this game in order I’d say number three on the list would be Sirianni for coming up with a gameplan that put Jalen Reagor as the main target of the day. The second person falls on Hurts. His drive killing turnovers cost the team points twice, of course one of those times should have been a touchdown. A touchdown was called back due a holding penalty. Truly this was a team loss and the injuries to key players cost this team at critical moments. Sanders got hurt again and it forced them to give the ball to Scott way too much and he had a terrible 4th quarter fumble. Driscoll with two bad penalties cost a touchdown and a big run by Hurts. Ward drops a touchdown and Hurts throws a stupid pick the next play. Not for nothing, but the defense gets a pass, because the Giants only scored 13 points, but like someone else wrote they didn’t cause any turnovers today, they didn’t get a lot of pressure, and when they needed to make a stop gave up a 7 minute drive from inside the ten. Still the number one person to blame here is Reagor. Two opportunities to win this game and he dropped both of them. They hit him right in the hands. There is no excuse for that. All the other mistakes are magnified due to his drops. I do find it funny that some of the loudest people blaming Hurts and only Hurts for this loss defended Wentz for doing the same crap for years. Agholor drops on pass in a game like this and those guys would kill him despite Wentz and his multiple turnovers in that game. This dude pulled an Agholor squared, but no it’s just on the quarterback. 

Isn't that funny though? Very quiet during the 4 week stretch where he was doing pretty ok but as soon as a bad game comes along......crucifixion....but like you said, Wentz did it actually for years and nothing but excuses for that man.....

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Just to keep things in perspective a bit, both those runs called back for holding were sprung by the Herbig block/hold. Now, I really don't have a huge problem with those holds being called if the refs are calling the holds on the other team. Unfortunately, we seemed to get the short end of that stick. Kelce, btw, sure didn't agree with the call on that first "hold."

Reagor had a chance to make huge plays for this team late and didn't get it done. Already not a fan favorite, this won't bode well for his future here. 

Hurts had a game we just need to forget. 3 turnovers (2 in the red zone) is usually enough to guarantee a loss on the road. He tried to spread the ball around, which should be a good thing, but he just didn't end up with a positive result. He didn't get a lot of help from any of the receivers yesterday. 

Kelce missed a lot of snaps with an injury. Usually dependable, Scott, coughed up the ball at a critical time. 

The giants seemed to win all the moments that come down to inches (like that TD reception by Myarick and a lucky bounce on their one fumble).

Only 2 penalties were called on the giants.

Zero turnovers created by the defense.

Eagles 0-2 on 4th down, giants 1-1. We only had the ball for 27:58.


We started believing the Eagles were better than they are. 

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8 minutes ago, brkmsn said:

Just to keep things in perspective a bit, both those runs called back for holding were sprung by the Herbig block/hold. Now, I really don't have a huge problem with those holds being called if the refs are calling the holds on the other team. Unfortunately, we seemed to get the short end of that stick. Kelce, btw, sure didn't agree with the call on that first "hold."

Reagor had a chance to make huge plays for this team late and didn't get it done. Already not a fan favorite, this won't bode well for his future here. 

Hurts had a game we just need to forget. 3 turnovers (2 in the red zone) is usually enough to guarantee a loss on the road. He tried to spread the ball around, which should be a good thing, but he just didn't end up with a positive result. He didn't get a lot of help from any of the receivers yesterday. 

Kelce missed a lot of snaps with an injury. Usually dependable, Scott, coughed up the ball at a critical time. 

The giants seemed to win all the moments that come down to inches (like that TD reception by Myarick and a lucky bounce on their one fumble).

Only 2 penalties were called on the giants.

Zero turnovers created by the defense.

Eagles 0-2 on 4th down, giants 1-1. We only had the ball for 27:58.


We started believing the Eagles were better than they are. 

I can agree with all of this...

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12 hours ago, time2rock said:

Did anyone on the team play well??   This loss was on the entire team … coaches included.  

Coaches especially.  If the coaches had stuck to what had been working over the past 4 weeks, the Eagles win the game handily.

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1 hour ago, EaglesAddict said:

The Eagles need to run basically a 50/50 balanced offense the rest of the season.  We need to see Hurts as a passer to see if he can develop more or if this is all he is.  If this is all he is, we will be looking for a QB in offseason.

Look but don't reach.  As an example, injury prone Jimmy G and his bloated contract aren't worth taking on - let alone giving up the farm for.  Let other teams overpay for a veteran QB in a down year for QB's.  The Eagles are in a position to use one of their 5th round picks on a QB and go with Hurts and Minshew next season if need be.  It's not like the team will be making any noise in 2022, or 2023 for that matter either.

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