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These two just never stop


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It's gotten so ridiculous I'm starting to enjoy it.  I hope when they're senior citizens in nursing homes they still bish and moan about each other every chance they get.  2 of the pettiest babies I've ever witnessed in sports.  

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If Terrell truly thinks that he was the only reason why Donovan was good, then he’s either reaching or he’s ignorant. He was going to nfccg’s without TO. They got to the super bowl without TO. Westbrook and a great defense and a bad nfc East had more to do with why Donovan was good.

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The thing about Owens, that he just doesn't seem to get is that he controlled his own fate everywhere he went. He couldn't help but become a distraction because he craves attention more than any other player in the history of the NFL. When critics would comment on his behavior and its potential harmful effects, Owens would just find someone else to point a finger at --- which only causes a divide within the team. For that reason, I would never have put that attention**** in the HOF. I mean ... the dude couldn't help himself from ruining that moment, for crying out loud. 

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28 minutes ago, brkmsn said:

The thing about Owens, that he just doesn't seem to get is that he controlled his own fate everywhere he went. He couldn't help but become a distraction because he craves attention more than any other player in the history of the NFL. When critics would comment on his behavior and its potential harmful effects, Owens would just find someone else to point a finger at --- which only causes a divide within the team. For that reason, I would never have put that attention**** in the HOF. I mean ... the dude couldn't help himself from ruining that moment, for crying out loud. 

I just found it absolutely ridiculous that he hears them talking about him on a random Philly talk show and just can't help himself and needs to call them. 

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39 minutes ago, 4for4EaglesNest said:

This is the same guy who refused to go to Canton for his HOF speech.  That’s all you need to know about the situation.  Nothing to see here.  

I usually hate listening to that stupid feud but, it's usually when McNabb is on a radio or TV show and someone asks him about it. This freaking guy is probably sitting at home and hears this sheet and can't help himself . He is more pathetic then I originally thought lol

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10 hours ago, hputenis said:

It's gotten so ridiculous I'm starting to enjoy it.  I hope when they're senior citizens in nursing homes they still bish and moan about each other every chance they get.  2 of the pettiest babies I've ever witnessed in sports.  

I picture it kind of like Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence in the movie "Life."

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7 hours ago, PoconoDon said:

I picture it kind of like Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence in the movie "Life."



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T.O. isnt wrong. I have zero problem with T.O. calling into the show, if i caught wind that some radio host was bad mouthin me id call in and call them out as well.

Mcnabb had his best season with TO the two of them with westbrook could have done some great things and while TO has his part in the break up Mcnabb is just as culpable.

Mcnabb was a good QB not a great one, TO is a top 5 WR in league history anyway you slice it.

Having said that i also have more respect for TO post career than Mcnabbs post career of DUIs and sexual harrassment😒

I still blame Mcnabb for that super bowl loss, im convinced he was hungover in the super bowl

You know who one cant blame for the super bowl loss? T.O. he played great on one leg, one of the gutsiest performances ive seen in sports.

I blame Reid and Banner more than TO. The dude left his heart and leg on that field and wanted to be compensated for doing so and rework his crappy contract Banner and Reid not doing so was petty. Mcnabb not backing TO to reid and Banner was petty.

Good for TO for standing up for himself, hating On T.O. by philly media is easy pickings low hanging fruit and im sure the radio station is thrilled T.O called in cuz thats free pub for them.


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23 hours ago, Bwestbrook36 said:

I just found it absolutely ridiculous that he hears them talking about him on a random Philly talk show and just can't help himself and needs to call them. 

Why in the world is he even worried about Philadelphia talk radio at all? I mean Philly was one of his shortest stints of all the places he went. On top of that he chose to become a Cowboy. Funny he doesn’t identify with them like Deon does. I guess it’s cause he chose to be a Cowboy in an attempt to spite the Eagles. His own foolishness and arrogance killed a chance for that team to win multiple championships. 

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3 minutes ago, EazyEaglez said:

His own foolishness and arrogance killed a chance for that team to win multiple championships

And this is the exact reason I think he can't let go of the Philly stint. He knows this was his best chance for the most success and his ego won't allow him to let the fans think it was his fault it was destroyed. 

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3 minutes ago, Bwestbrook36 said:

And this is the exact reason I think he can't let go of the Philly stint. He knows this was his best chance for the most success and his ego won't allow him to let the fans think it was his fault it was destroyed. 

McNabb didn’t make him act like a fool. McNabb didn’t make him sign that horrible contract the NFLPA told him not to. McNabb didn’t have him doing sit-ups in his driveway. That was all TO. Sure McNabb was a insecure person and he also failed to handle this situation well also, but TO is the instigator of all the issues that team had, because of his own immaturity and selfishness. 

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1 minute ago, EazyEaglez said:

McNabb didn’t make him act like a fool. McNabb didn’t make him sign that horrible contract the NFLPA told him not to. McNabb didn’t have him doing sit-ups in his driveway. That was all TO. Sure McNabb was a insecure person and he also failed to handle this situation well also, but TO is the instigator of all the issues that team had, because of his own immaturity and selfishness. 

That is what he was trying to say when he called the radio. That the agent he had when he signed that contract told him it was a good deal. The drew became his agent and told him it wasn't .... How is that the eagles fault?? Don't get me wrong TO definitely deserved to be paid more then he got but, he made the wrong choices that led to that sheety contract in the first place. 

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10 minutes ago, Bwestbrook36 said:

That is what he was trying to say when he called the radio. That the agent he had when he signed that contract told him it was a good deal. The drew became his agent and told him it wasn't .... How is that the eagles fault?? Don't get me wrong TO definitely deserved to be paid more then he got but, he made the wrong choices that led to that sheety contract in the first place. 

Year 1 and 2 was bad, but the contract was heavily backloaded. TO just had to not throw a tantrum but he failed to do that 

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14 hours ago, Utebird said:

T.O. isnt wrong. I have zero problem with T.O. calling into the show, if i caught wind that some radio host was bad mouthin me id call in and call them out as well.

Mcnabb had his best season with TO the two of them with westbrook could have done some great things and while TO has his part in the break up Mcnabb is just as culpable.

Mcnabb was a good QB not a great one, TO is a top 5 WR in league history anyway you slice it.

Having said that i also have more respect for TO post career than Mcnabbs post career of DUIs and sexual harrassment😒

I still blame Mcnabb for that super bowl loss, im convinced he was hungover in the super bowl

You know who one cant blame for the super bowl loss? T.O. he played great on one leg, one of the gutsiest performances ive seen in sports.

I blame Reid and Banner more than TO. The dude left his heart and leg on that field and wanted to be compensated for doing so and rework his crappy contract Banner and Reid not doing so was petty. Mcnabb not backing TO to reid and Banner was petty.

Good for TO for standing up for himself, hating On T.O. by philly media is easy pickings low hanging fruit and im sure the radio station is thrilled T.O called in cuz thats free pub for them.


You've got some things wrong here. AND the article the op linked also has some things wrong which surprises me because I would think that people who get paid to pay attention would actually get it right. Sorry if you are fully aware of the following - but I want my assertion to be detailed. 

It used to be that the deadline to file paperwork for a voidable year was after the deadline for teams to file the franchise tag. If you're thinking that didn't make sense - you're right - as the league argued, how can you know whether you need to franchise tag a player with a voidable year if he can file after the deadline to use the franchise tag? So the year before TO's voidable year the league was able to get the deadlines changed so that the Voidable deadline was before the franchise deadline. 

By this time TO had worn out his welcome in San Fran - they didn't want to sign him to a large long term deal and TO wasn't going play for them again without one. TO's agent David Joseph filed for the voidable year after the new deadline but before the old deadline. The 49ers argued that TO was no longer eligible to void his final year because the deadline had already past. And this would have been true except that TO's contract had a specific date deadline (which was the old league deadline). I don't know the exact reason why Joseph didn't bring this up right away - my assumption is that since they had requested a trade and the 49ers had agree to let them seek a trade Joseph decided to keep the contract language in his back pocket - better to leave amicably - then through an arbitration. 

So Joseph started looking for willing trade partners and they found one with the Eagles. Joseph and the Eagles worked out a contract and then contacted the 49ers to work out trade details. At the same time the 49ers had found a trade partner with the Ravens and announced that they were trading TO to Baltimore. The Ravens made it clear that they were not going to renegotiate TO's contract. Joseph filed a grievance citing the contract language. 

The disagreement went to arbitration but before the arbitrator ruled it was reported that the 49ers were told they were going to lose and it was in their best interest to work out a deal. The league and the NFLPA told TO and Joseph that he shouldn't sign the contract with the Eagles because, it was reported, it was a bad contract that TO would not be happy with. TO's response was that this was the contract he wanted and this was the team he wanted to play for. 

Everyone should understand that TO was going to be a free agent. He was not obligated to accept the deal that the 49ers proposed - he could have waited for the arbitrator to make his ruling and then he would have been free to sign with any team and probably negotiate a better deal. This was the contract he wanted - this is the team he wants to play for.

Drew Rosenhaus got in TO's ear at the pro bowl following the 2004 season - then it was still played after the Super Bowl - TO was an all pro but was only there as a spectator. TO fired Joseph and hired Rosenhaus soon after. Agents don't make anything off of contracts negotiated by previous agents. They only get paid off of new money. TO made his own bed but that whole fiasco was instigated by Rosenhaus.

The Eagles negotiated TO's contract in good faith. It's perfectly acceptable for TO to ask for more money if he thinks he is outperforming his contract. But since players don't give money back when they under perform it's also perfectly acceptable for teams to say no. TO was a team wrecker every where he went.

McNabbs best season was 2003.

NE won the Super Bowl because they cheated. McNabb had nothing to do with that.

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4 hours ago, Bwestbrook36 said:

That is what he was trying to say when he called the radio. That the agent he had when he signed that contract told him it was a good deal. The drew became his agent and told him it wasn't .... How is that the eagles fault?? Don't get me wrong TO definitely deserved to be paid more then he got but, he made the wrong choices that led to that sheety contract in the first place. 

It’s no ones fault but Owens himself. I’ll add had he not completely imploded after year two most Eagles fans (and likely the whole team) people would have been behind him getting a new deal. The way he went about it was unprofessional and immature. Drew probably told him he could get him more money and frankly Drew doesn’t get paid if he can’t get him a new contract. What did he do that deserved a new contract after just signing the one he was in? What kind of cap ramifications would that have meant for the Eagles at that moment? I don’t believe the Eagles operated in bad faith here. Owens was naive to trust his former agent. That kind of trust is why he lost so much money over the years. 

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4 hours ago, PhillyGreenMachine said:

Year 1 and 2 was bad, but the contract was heavily backloaded. TO just had to not throw a tantrum but he failed to do that 

Drew was probably just as much of an issue here. He talked Owens into thinking he could get him a new deal and that was important cause he needed to get Owens a new contract so he could get his cut. 

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On 7/24/2020 at 2:32 PM, Bwestbrook36 said:

I only heard a segment of this, but seriously what did Owens expect McNabb to say we’re doomed since T.O. isn't here? Owens took it as a slight rather than McNabb trying to rally his own team. Maybe it it was Donavan’s jealously or maybe it was McNabb being asked at the spur of the moment. Maybe he was tired of being asked questions about Owens. Whatever it was Owens took it like a child. No matter how you slice it the Eagles were highly successful before Owens got there so why would they not have confidence in themselves? In the end I blame Owens for all of it.

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3 hours ago, EazyEaglez said:

I only heard a segment of this, but seriously what did Owens expect McNabb to say we’re doomed since T.O. isn't here? Owens took it as a slight rather than McNabb trying to rally his own team. Maybe it it was Donavan’s jealously or maybe it was McNabb being asked at the spur of the moment. Maybe he was tired of being asked questions about Owens. Whatever it was Owens took it like a child. No matter how you slice it the Eagles were highly successful before Owens got there so why would they not have confidence in themselves? In the end I blame Owens for all of it.

I agree with you, it was Owens selection of crappy agents that got him in the mess he was in from the start. Like the one that botched his free agent status in the first place. If that doesn't happen maybe he gets a bigger contract as a free agent. I don't know why he so desperately needs people to believe his side of it. When the proof is there for everyone to see 

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8 hours ago, EazyEaglez said:

Drew was probably just as much of an issue here. He talked Owens into thinking he could get him a new deal and that was important cause he needed to get Owens a new contract so he could get his cut. 

 I made this commentary video about it a while back, I will admit that I added very little about the contract. 

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12 hours ago, Nivraga said:

You've got some things wrong here. AND the article the op linked also has some things wrong which surprises me because I would think that people who get paid to pay attention would actually get it right. Sorry if you are fully aware of the following - but I want my assertion to be detailed. 

It used to be that the deadline to file paperwork for a voidable year was after the deadline for teams to file the franchise tag. If you're thinking that didn't make sense - you're right - as the league argued, how can you know whether you need to franchise tag a player with a voidable year if he can file after the deadline to use the franchise tag? So the year before TO's voidable year the league was able to get the deadlines changed so that the Voidable deadline was before the franchise deadline. 

By this time TO had worn out his welcome in San Fran - they didn't want to sign him to a large long term deal and TO wasn't going play for them again without one. TO's agent David Joseph filed for the voidable year after the new deadline but before the old deadline. The 49ers argued that TO was no longer eligible to void his final year because the deadline had already past. And this would have been true except that TO's contract had a specific date deadline (which was the old league deadline). I don't know the exact reason why Joseph didn't bring this up right away - my assumption is that since they had requested a trade and the 49ers had agree to let them seek a trade Joseph decided to keep the contract language in his back pocket - better to leave amicably - then through an arbitration. 

So Joseph started looking for willing trade partners and they found one with the Eagles. Joseph and the Eagles worked out a contract and then contacted the 49ers to work out trade details. At the same time the 49ers had found a trade partner with the Ravens and announced that they were trading TO to Baltimore. The Ravens made it clear that they were not going to renegotiate TO's contract. Joseph filed a grievance citing the contract language. 

The disagreement went to arbitration but before the arbitrator ruled it was reported that the 49ers were told they were going to lose and it was in their best interest to work out a deal. The league and the NFLPA told TO and Joseph that he shouldn't sign the contract with the Eagles because, it was reported, it was a bad contract that TO would not be happy with. TO's response was that this was the contract he wanted and this was the team he wanted to play for. 

Everyone should understand that TO was going to be a free agent. He was not obligated to accept the deal that the 49ers proposed - he could have waited for the arbitrator to make his ruling and then he would have been free to sign with any team and probably negotiate a better deal. This was the contract he wanted - this is the team he wants to play for.

Drew Rosenhaus got in TO's ear at the pro bowl following the 2004 season - then it was still played after the Super Bowl - TO was an all pro but was only there as a spectator. TO fired Joseph and hired Rosenhaus soon after. 

McNabbs best season was 2003.

NE won the Super Bowl because they cheated. McNabb had nothing to do with that.

Yes Drew Rosenhaus is a leech, and yes TO outplayed his contract and yes the Eagles have the right to tell TO to honor his contract and i still think it was petty.

Mcnabbs best season 2003? 16 tds 11 int under 60% completion around 6.5 yards / attempt rating in the 80s

Compared to 2004 the only season mcnabb had 30 or more tds only season he had a 100 or higher rating. Had % of 64 and a yds/attempt of around 8.5 but yeah 2003 was better😒

Mcnabb is was and has been a drama queen his whole career and us just as culpable in my opinion with the dysfunction and break up, banner had made questionable contract decisions in the past namely Trotter.

TO wasnt a team wrecker in Dallas he wasnt a team wrecker in buffalo or cincinatti and Mcnabb as a leader should have handled it better instead of getting jealous and acting like a petulant child.

One can blame the pats for cheating they cheated, one can blame mcnabb he played like crap, one can even blame dawkins who was invisible that game, one can blame Reid for game plan management, one can blame JJ dor his defensive game plan, and one has to look real deep to blame TO for the loss in the super bowl or that season. He was extraordinary throughout and the best player on the field in the super bowl whom almost willed them to a win on one leg and the eagles organizational reaction to that was, meh😒

Like i said i blame mcnabb and banner/eagles and like you say rosenhaus more than TO though TO isnt with out blame but this narrative that hes the sole reason it didnt work isnt accurate.

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2 minutes ago, Utebird said:

TO wasnt a team wrecker in Dallas

Not so sure about that. He basically called Romo a homosexual and accused him of favoring written over anyone else to pass too. Then the whole attempt to kill himself. Then the crying after people critized Romo and saying that's his QB and crying like a baby about it. May not have directly wrecked the cowboys team but he definitely caused a lot of distractions

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11 minutes ago, Utebird said:

Yes Drew Rosenhaus is a leech, and yes TO outplayed his contract and yes the Eagles have the right to tell TO to honor his contract and i still think it was petty.

Mcnabbs best season 2003? 16 tds 11 int under 60% completion around 6.5 yards / attempt rating in the 80s

Compared to 2004 the only season mcnabb had 30 or more tds only season he had a 100 or higher rating. Had % of 64 and a yds/attempt of around 8.5 but yeah 2003 was better😒

Mcnabb is was and has been a drama queen his whole career and us just as culpable in my opinion with the dysfunction and break up, banner had made questionable contract decisions in the past namely Trotter.

TO wasnt a team wrecker in Dallas he wasnt a team wrecker in buffalo or cincinatti and Mcnabb as a leader should have handled it better instead of getting jealous and acting like a petulant child.

One can blame the pats for cheating they cheated, one can blame mcnabb he played like crap, one can even blame dawkins who was invisible that game, one can blame Reid for game plan management, one can blame JJ dor his defensive game plan, and one has to look real deep to blame TO for the loss in the super bowl or that season. He was extraordinary throughout and the best player on the field in the super bowl whom almost willed them to a win on one leg and the eagles organizational reaction to that was, meh😒

Like i said i blame mcnabb and banner/eagles and like you say rosenhaus more than TO though TO isnt with out blame but this narrative that hes the sole reason it didnt work isnt accurate.

Donovan’s best season wasn’t 2003. He had better seasons in 2002, 2008 and 2009. Also, he was a home wrecker in Dallas, blaming Romo, Witten and Garrett for why things soured 

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5 minutes ago, Bwestbrook36 said:

Not so sure about that. He basically called Romo a homosexual and accused him of favoring written over anyone else to pass too. Then the whole attempt to kill himself. Then the crying after people critized Romo and saying that's his QB and crying like a baby about it. May not have directly wrecked the cowboys team but he definitely caused a lot of distractions

I dont remember him calling Romo a homosexual, that was Garcia in SF.

Alshon Jeffrey said wentz threw too much to ertz in not so many words.

TO was a distraction and ive also heard tons of teammates go to bat for him for his work ethic snd competitive nature and ability to help them win.

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Just now, PhillyGreenMachine said:

Donovan’s best season wasn’t 2003. He had better seasons in 2002, 2008 and 2009. Also, he was a home wrecker in Dallas, blaming Romo, Witten and Garrett for why things soured 

Was he wrong about Garrett? Its not like after they got rid of TO anything changed, same ol same ol dysfunctional cowboys.

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