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So tired of the Player isn’t (PLEASED) reports

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It’s hilarious when people whine about this in the NFL, of all leagues. Where the players have gotten the short end of the stick over and over again. If you want to whine about baseball players and basketball players doing this, sure, go ahead. But not the NFL.

16 hours ago, Eldereagle1 said:

Granted, I'm making an assessment without ever meeting the kid, but you have to wonder why a complete change in coaching staff is still not enough for Wentz to verbally demonstrate a commitment to regaining form. Is it Howie? Medical staff? The concussion against Seattle? No playmakers? Disrespect after he fought back from knee and back injuries? An entitled Type A personality? Narcissism? The Dunning Kruger effect? Bad cheesesteaks? Just what is it that turned this guy off to Philadelphia? 



He could be holding a grudge against Howie for drafting a QB in the 2nd round rather than use that pick on someone who could help him (rather than replace him).  Funny thing is, you have a guy who is WAAAAAAAY more accomplished in Aaron Rodgers who watched his team use a 1st rd pick on a QB (and then some since they moved up for Love) and you don’t see any of this nonsense surrounding him.  

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On 2/4/2021 at 12:34 AM, [TSM]_PimpDaddyPain said:

No player is worth 5 first round picks

Draft Day-the movie

On 2/5/2021 at 5:42 AM, time2rock said:

He could be holding a grudge against Howie for drafting a QB in the 2nd round rather than use that pick on someone who could help him (rather than replace him).  Funny thing is, you have a guy who is WAAAAAAAY more accomplished in Aaron Rodgers who watched his team use a 1st rd pick on a QB (and then some since they moved up for Love) and you don’t see any of this nonsense surrounding him.  

The back and forth between Wentz and the FO could be mutual. He can hold a grudge for drafting Hurts, but the Eagles likely do not draft Hurts if he didn’t end the last three seasons prior injured. They let Foles go, and ended up desperately needing a backup again. Like you mentioned Rodgers responded like a literal MVP from his team drafting a quarterback in the first round. Wentz crumbled from the Eagles drafting one in the second round. If he can’t handle that pressure how can we expect him to come from behind in a playoff game? In the end it’s best to move on. Both parties need to part ways. 


Reverend Reggie said God told him to play for Green Bay.

I think he heard God say something about green and thought it was Green Bay.

4 hours ago, Iggle_nj said:

Reverend Reggie said God told him to play for Green Bay.

I think he heard God say something about green and thought it was Green Bay.

It’s not like the Eagles even offered him a contract though. People think Lurie is bad, but Brahman was 100 times worse. 

19 hours ago, EazyEaglez said:

It’s not like the Eagles even offered him a contract though. People think Lurie is bad, but Brahman was 100 times worse. 

If people think Lurie is bad they haven't been Eagles fans for very long.


... if youre tired, take a nap.🤷‍♂️

On 2/1/2021 at 10:43 AM, bigdog54 said:

Both here and Houston we get these reports of Players who aren’t PLEASED with their team. The media writes every day in a way makes it seem like the player has all the power and the team is hopelessly screwed by this player who isn’t pleased with them. Now sometimes a team will move a player who isn’t pleased but the truth is being unhappy isn’t a contractual issue. 

If the Eagles want Wentz in Philly and Houston wants Watson with them the player has very few options if they want to make 30 plus million dollars. In both cases this isn’t a story where a player is on his 4th year rookie contract making 2 million and has nothing to lose by setting out. Both these players recently signed huge contracts and they both have everything to lose if they don’t show up. 

So I guess this issue makes for good articles and radio (it’s boring to me) I guess people love to talk about how these players feel but the truth is there is very little the player can do if the team just says show up or set out and don’t get paid. 

To often these teams give in to the player and they get traded I hope in one of these situations the team says no we are good. If you want paid you will show up and play and if you don’t that’s cool with us but we are not trading you. We will talk about your feelings when you show up. 

I especially think that might be the case in Houston. After the Detroit trade they will want at least 4 first round picks and I doubt any team will pay that. So they might literally tell the player if you want paid you will be here if not we will play your back up and suck all year so we can draft your replacement with the first pick we get by you staying home and oh by the way I'm sure by not showing up your contract has all kinds of things that say you lose all that guaranteed money. 

I know it’s wishful thinking but I’m longing for a day when just one team will says F your feelings see you in July for camp. 

Players have more power than you think

On 2/2/2021 at 2:10 PM, Mike030270 said:

Watson has public stated how he isn't happy. Wentz has not

Which is worse!  I don’t care if he doesn’t like Doug not one person said Doug was a bad person everyone said Doug was a great guy. You have to say something Even "hey we might have had some Issues but Doug was a great guy and he gave me a chance by drafting me I’m forever grateful good luck coach.” By saying nothing Carson is a terrible person. Like a bad seed.  

saying nothing is worse than saying something. I almost think he’s the weasel that tells all from the locker room. He’s the source 

On 2/4/2021 at 10:00 AM, 4for4EaglesNest said:

Yet, Wentz is getting killed in the Local and National Media and Watson is not.....HMMMMM......Geee....I wonder why?

Because he a Weasel.

On 2/5/2021 at 1:04 AM, vaff said:

It’s hilarious when people whine about this in the NFL, of all leagues. Where the players have gotten the short end of the stick over and over again. If you want to whine about baseball players and basketball players doing this, sure, go ahead. But not the NFL.

Dude the players just signed a deal to agree to this terms. The NFLPA agreed to the new deal in 2020 so you can’t feel sorry when they make the terms. They can sign any contact they want Kurt cousin signed a fully guarantee deal.  When they sign the deal they need to honor it and don’t give me but the team can cut them they don’t honor it. The contract is designed to be able to cut them so the player fully understands the deal. 

9 minutes ago, bigdog54 said:

Which is worse!  I don’t care if he doesn’t like Doug not one person said Doug was a bad person everyone said Doug was a great guy. You have to say something Even "hey we might have had some Issues but Doug was a great guy and he gave me a chance by drafting me I’m forever grateful good luck coach.” By saying nothing Carson is a terrible person. Like a bad seed.  

saying nothing is worse than saying something. I almost think he’s the weasel that tells all from the locker room. He’s the source 


On 2/12/2021 at 9:04 AM, Bacarty2 said:

why does the amount of money matter? I dont have a college education and make a lot more then I should but if im unhappy at a job, I have the power to leave. They dont. 

Example, They call me and say hey Bacarty, you're the best territory manager we've seen in a long time. We want you. We're gonna give you 10 times more then you currently make and we're gonna build the best team around your and treat you with respect and make sure your happy. 


Well 3 years in, if you give me the worst POS team, you treat me like a scumbag and you try to undermine me and every turn, I can quit and go else. 


Good for Wentz and Watson. You want to be a POS organization you get treated like a POS 

But they can’t just leave. They are under contract. So they can either play or set out and not make money. Most jobs don’t have contracts but if you work under a contract if you leave most of the time you have to pay back some money to the company. I worked under a contract and got a 20 thousand dollar signing   bonuses and if I left within 3 years I had to pay back a certain amount for each year I left early. So you are right unhappy people don’t have to stay at the job they don’t like but they do have to honor the contract they signed. 

On 2/2/2021 at 3:26 PM, wtfcares said:

Good QBs have a ton of leverage in the league as they should. It’s way easier for a good QB to find a new team than a team to find a new good QB. 

Teams don’t "honor” contracts when they want to cut or trade their players. Why should the players? 


On 2/2/2021 at 4:10 PM, Bwestbrook36 said:

Agreed, love when people say players should honor the contract... So should the teams that try to get out of them as soon as possible

difference is that contracts are full of jargon stating the player can be cut or traded for any reason. They don't state anything saying to the player "it's cool if you want to sit around and **** all day."

24 minutes ago, Mike030270 said:


Not shocked that 80% of people voted he doesn’t need to speak.

23 hours ago, bigdog54 said:

Dude the players just signed a deal to agree to this terms. The NFLPA agreed to the new deal in 2020 so you can’t feel sorry when they make the terms. They can sign any contact they want Kurt cousin signed a fully guarantee deal.  When they sign the deal they need to honor it and don’t give me but the team can cut them they don’t honor it. The contract is designed to be able to cut them so the player fully understands the deal. 

They’re out there literally killing each other’s brain cells. It’s easy for you to say suck it up and play, but these guys are putting their safety at risk every time they take the field. I wouldn’t want to do that in a bad environment, either.


There’s always going to be unhappy players through out the league. That’s how you acquired  fa  talent.   But you never want teams players unhappy. Just every other teams players.  

On 2/4/2021 at 12:29 PM, QBhunter58 said:

People are not growing up the same way, the social environment is not even close to what it used to be, I dont know why we should be surprised when these types of things happen. The idea of honoring your contract is a thing of the past, the nose to the grindstone and the strong silent types are anomalies. Everyone has an ego today, and many people are hyper sensitive. It's unfortunate, but it's just the way it is. 

Strong silent types get chastised for being silent

On 2/13/2021 at 9:53 PM, bigdog54 said:

Which is worse!  I don’t care if he doesn’t like Doug not one person said Doug was a bad person everyone said Doug was a great guy. You have to say something Even "hey we might have had some Issues but Doug was a great guy and he gave me a chance by drafting me I’m forever grateful good luck coach.” By saying nothing Carson is a terrible person. Like a bad seed.  

saying nothing is worse than saying something. I almost think he’s the weasel that tells all from the locker room. He’s the source 


11 hours ago, greend said:

Strong silent types get chastised for being silent

He’s not being silent. He’s just not publicly speaking. Behind the scenes he’s saying a lot, and when that stuff surfaces he doesn’t deny it. 

6 minutes ago, 4for4EaglesNest said:

You have proof of this?  No, you don't.  Nice try.  

Well the Eagles have openly stated that they reached out to Carson, and they wanted him to stay. What has Carson said? ........... Case closed. 

Just now, 4for4EaglesNest said:

So that is all the proof you need to claim that "behind the scenes he is saying alot"?  Great work Columbo.  Take the rest of the day off.  

So your proof he wants to be here is he says nothing. Okay bud. Yeah he really wants to stay. 🙄

1 hour ago, 4for4EaglesNest said:

I'm not saying that.  You're just speculating like the rest of us.  I agree, he doesn't want to be here.  I get it.  He doesn't trust or have trust in Howie, the snake in the grass.  I get that.  But spare me the "he's saying a lot behind the scenes" crap.  Because you don't know and don't act like you do.  He's playing this as well as he should.  Fans like you and some of the media are so bent that he is not talking.  He doesn't owe you or the media anything.  I'd rather he do it this way then the way others have done it.  Like Yannick, Watson, Ramsey and others who felt it was ok to cry in the media and on twitter.  No one criticizes them.  But Wentz is some evil monster for doing it the quiet way? Grow up.  

First off none of the players you even wrote about are Eagles and I’m sure the people In Jacksonville aren’t happy their best players keep on leaving. Thats why they barely have a fan base now. Frankly I don’t care he’s not talking, but to act like him saying nothing doesn’t mean anything is a complete joke. He doesn’t want to be here period. I’m not going to defend him for it, and I’m not going to defend the Eagles here either, because they created this mess too. T.O. got killed for how he left Philly, by making a stink. McNabb said nothing and he got killed too, but with Wentz it should be different when it’s pretty clear he doesn’t want to be here? Heck McNabb’s last year as an Eagles was way better than Carson’s, but McNabb is okay to trash even to this day, but Wentz has you all hot and bothered for some reason. 

On 2/2/2021 at 2:04 PM, xxeaglesfanxx said:

Some of these guys need to grow up and realize they are playing a game for a living.  And making millions of dollars doing it.  Shut up and enjoy it while it lasts.

These are union employees. 

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