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Foundation - Apple’s Take on Isaac Asimov Epic


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This will be interesting. The sci-fi fan is a valuable cohort. Between this, Amazon Prime's The Expanse, and Netflix's Altered Carbon, the fight for the attention of nerds is the interesting one.

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2 hours ago, matchew88 said:

This will be interesting. The sci-fi fan is a valuable cohort. Between this, Amazon Prime's The Expanse, and Netflix's Altered Carbon, the fight for the attention of nerds is the interesting one.

Dont forget CBS with Star Trek and Disney with Star Wars. 

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This is going to be one hell of a difficult translation from book to screen, but I'm cautiously optimistic and extremely excited to find out what they've done with it!

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4 hours ago, matchew88 said:

This will be interesting. The sci-fi fan is a valuable cohort. Between this, Amazon Prime's The Expanse, and Netflix's Altered Carbon, the fight for the attention of nerds is the interesting one.

Yup -- It's all about using established IP with a built in fanbase to provide a floor on your viewership. The thing is, you don't even really need to fight for their attention. They'll watch everything you make as long as it's decent. I know I will.  I'll watch basically everything sci-fi as long as it's good, especially with COVID or during the winter.

Kind of related, if you want a stock pick I gave to DrPhilly a while back, check out the company Games Workshop.  They have perhaps the deepest Sci-Fi IP portfolio of any company and maybe the most dedicated fan base of any sci-fi universe.  Frank Spotnitz who produced The Man In The High Castle and The X-Files picked up one of their novel series called Eisenhorn (written by Dan Abnett of Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy fame) for a live action TV series. It's a fantastic popcorn sci-fi book series set within the most original fictional universe I've ever come across.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if GW gets bought out like Marvel just for their IP if this series gets the green light; the more important characters in the universe have Star Wars/LOTR type of potential at the box office.

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Price is too high and too long term for me right now. Got bit by my optimism taking a loss on Six Flags, but I'm going to just ride the media-scare wave with Quest Diagnostics (over the Games Workshop price, but stock price is on more immediate dynamics).

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30 minutes ago, matchew88 said:


Price is too high and too long term for me right now. Got bit by my optimism taking a loss on Six Flags, but I'm going to just ride the media-scare wave with Quest Diagnostics (over the Games Workshop price, but stock price is on more immediate dynamics).

Current stock price of GW is based on their core business of gaming models, book sales through their own publisher, and IP licensing for video games and comic books. That’s the beauty of this play: the TV show and buyout is the extreme upside, but you’ve got a floor based on a really well run business with a fanatical consumer base that is growing exponentially. For a hobby product it is weirdly recession proof, having cake out of 2008 pretty much unscathed. Even better is that it stands to benefit from COVID as a hobby product that can be consumed online and through mail delivery. I won’t belabor the point, but thought it might interest you.


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12 minutes ago, TEW said:

Current stock price of GW is based on their core business of gaming models, book sales through their own publisher, and IP licensing for video games and comic books. That’s the beauty of this play: the TV show and buyout is the extreme upside, but you’ve got a floor based on a really well run business with a fanatical consumer base that is growing exponentially. For a hobby product it is weirdly recession proof, having cake out of 2008 pretty much unscathed. Even better is that it stands to benefit from COVID as a hobby product that can be consumed online and through mail delivery. I won’t belabor the point, but thought it might interest you.


I get it. I'll consider it, thanks. Right now just cursing myself for only buying a few shares of Inovio a $6. Its at $28.

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