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The Official: Good Ole Sleepy/Creepy Joe: sniffs, grips and slips

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Tara Reade being a huge Bernie supporter now  is so predictable.

This is a non-issue for me although I think it could damage Biden if people don’t care that Reade keeps changing her story.

9 minutes ago, L.E said:

Hold Trump to the same scrutiny or get off Biden's nuts. 

Ignore the messenger and just focus on the message. You can't tell me that this won't be more difficult for a Democrat to extricate themselves from than a Republican. Republicans proudly proclaimed four years ago that they just don't care about these kinds of claims, while Democrats (ironically) have taken up the mantle of morality. There's no charade for a Republican to keep up anymore about "family values" at this point, but Democrats somehow have to straddle the line between standing for ethics and hiding the skeletons in their own closet. It's a really dicey situation.

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19 minutes ago, TomatoPie said:

Reade's complaint was drawn from a novel her father wrote in the 90s:


This ends it. Her accusation from 1993 is obviously drawn from her father’s novel that was published in 1998.

  • Haha 3
18 minutes ago, EaglesRocker97 said:

I'm not telling the right anything. I'm recognizing the age we live in. The mere existence of an accusation is enough to sink a campaign, especially on the left, given the stance that it has adopted vis-à-vis sexual assault. All the post said was that he asked the Archives to search for the records. And if the search turns up nothing, it's still not going to be enough in many people's minds to absolve him. A court of law is not the court of public opinion; the absence of evidence does not exonerate, it merely fails to meat the bar of legal guilt. This isn't about how you or I think. It's about how the liberal voting public thinks. It's already up in arms, and Biden will be answering questions about this until election day.

If the search turns up nothing and he called for it, then it means that not only did she make up filing the complaint, but that Biden was so confident that he didn't do it, that he'd put himself out there like that.  It completely debunks her accusation.  If that's not enough for "the left", which you are a part of, then they have no desire to ever win another election.

But the broader electorate has shown they don't care about things like this.  They care about the here and now and what the current state of the country is.  And the current state of the country is being flushed down the toilet thanks to Trump and his incompetence.  The only people swayed by something as obviously false as this accusation are people searching for some way, any way for Bernie to still win the nomination.  But that ship has sailed.  Democrats, by and large, don't want Bernie to be their standard bearer.  They've proven it in primary after primary.  I'd bet that once the convention passes and the fantasies of a brokered convention that are dancing in the heads of the far left dissipate, that everyone of those people that were ever going to jump on board, will jump on board, and the rest who were never in it unless Bernie was the pick will be the only hold outs.

5 minutes ago, VanHammersly said:

But the broader electorate has shown they don't care about things like this.  They care about the here and now and what the current state of the country is.  And the current state of the country is being flushed down the toilet thanks to Trump and his incompetence.

This is where  I just don't really know, but I can't be confident that what you say is resoundingly true among those who would ostensibly vote against Trump. I'm just going on feel and the signals I'm getting from what I see people posting. The composition of the electorate is everchanging, especially on the left. I think it breaks along generational lines. "The broader electorate" for Democrats includes a significant portion of young, disaffected liberals and leftists who seem quite content to just watch the wordd burn at this point. That's not me, but if these people not voting or voting 3rd party cost Clinton the election 4 years ago, who's to say it can't happen again this time? Especially considering that the pandemic might automatically produce lower turnout in November.


has biden called his accuser names and made fun of her looks yet?  that seems to work. 

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14 minutes ago, The_Omega said:

This ends it. Her accusation from 1993 is obviously drawn from her father’s novel that was published in 1998.

Books take years to write. She was obviously reading his early manuscripts. Nice try Zuker!

Just now, mr_hunt said:

has biden called his accuser names and made fun of her looks yet?  that seems to work. 

That's a job for you all...

3 minutes ago, EaglesRocker97 said:

This is where I feel like I just don't really know. The composition of the electorate is everchanging, especially on the left. I think it breaks along generational lines. "The broader electorate" for Democrats includes a significant portion of young, disaffected liberals and leftists who seem quite content to just watch the word burn at this point. If these people not voting or voting 3rd party cost Clinton the election 4 years ago, who's to say it can't happen again this time?

Those voters were never on board with Biden.  They're Bernie or bust.  There's nothing anyone other than a purity-tested liberal like Bernie or Warren can do to get them on board.  And, honestly, their rigidity and inability to work outside of the confines of their own litmus test is why the policies they're after will never be enacted.

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5 minutes ago, mr_hunt said:

has biden called his accuser names and made fun of her looks yet?  that seems to work. 

if he wasn't guilty, he would've called her a horse faced, daughter of hagrid, so draw your own conclusions.

  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, sameaglesfan said:

That's a job for you all...

Except no one on here is doing that.

  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, Alpha_TATEr said:

if he wasn't guilty, he would've called her a horse faced, daughter of hagrid, so make your own conclusion.

while pounding on the table & shouting, "i like beer!".  

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36 minutes ago, L.E said:

Hold Trump to the same scrutiny or get off Biden's nuts. 

Hold Biden to the same scrutiny or get off Trump and Kavanaugh's nuts.

Just now, Kz! said:

Hold Biden to the same scrutiny or get off Trump and Kavanaugh's nuts.

We have. This has now been thoroughly investigated and there's nothing there. Total exoneration. 

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Speaking of novels, remember how Mark Judge’s memoir Wasted had a character named Bart O’Kavanaugh??

7 minutes ago, Dave Moss said:

Speaking of novels, remember how Mark Judge’s memoir Wasted had a character named Bart O’Kavanaugh??

:lol:  isn't he the character who used to boof with squee & tobin?  

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, mr_hunt said:

:lol:  isn't he the character who used to boof with squee & tobin?  

No, you’re thinking of his high school yearbook

  • Haha 1

Even the Washington Post can't spin this for Biden:



Biden begs off questions about University of Delaware documents in his first Tara Reade interview

May 1, 2020 at 10:37 a.m. EDT

Joe Biden gave his first public interview Friday about allegations of sexual assault against him. And he set up the interview by issuing a lengthy statement in which he called for the National Archives to release any record of the complaint that his accuser, Tara Reade, says she filed in the early 1990s — but that Biden says didn’t exist.

But during the subsequent interview on MSNBC, he struggled to answer questions about other documents that could also potentially shed some light: ones housed at the University of Delaware.

Biden resisted repeated inquires from "Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski about also releasing documents from his personal files there. Those documents are being held back now since they are generally released once an official like Biden leaves public life.

Biden repeatedly sought to beg off questions about the files by saying that they would not contain any documents pertinent to the Reade allegations.

"First of all, let’s get this straight: There are no personnel documents. You can’t do that,” Biden said, adding: "You have my income tax returns. They’re private documents. They do not get put out in the public. They’re not part of the public record.”

He repeatedly drove home the point that there were "no personnel records” in the documents. Pressed further, he said he was also sure there was nothing about Reade in those documents.

"So personnel records aside, are you certain there was nothing about Tara Reade in those records --” Brzezinski asked.

"I am absolutely certain,” he said, adding: "There is nothing. They’re not there. I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make. There are no personnel records, by definition.”

Biden also said he worried that disclosing documents, including his confidential conversations with foreign leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, "could really be taken out of context.” He emphasized that those documents are generally released when someone leaves public office.

"All of that to be fodder in a campaign at this time — I don’t know of anybody who’s done anything like that,” Biden said.

Brzezinski then offered a compromise: Why not have someone search just for documents that pertain to Reade?

Biden, though, wouldn’t commit to it. "Who does that search?” he said.

Brzezinski said the university or some kind of commission could do so, but Biden reverted to talking about how any actual complaint should be in the National Archives.

But while the complaint — which Reade has said was not for the alleged assault but for making her feel uncomfortable — might not be in Biden’s University of Delaware files, those files could contain other documentation that could shed light. As The Post’s editorial board wrote recently in urging Biden to release any such relevant records:

One place to start is the records covering Mr. Biden’s 36-year Senate career, donated to the University of Delaware in 2012 and slated for release to the public two years after Mr. Biden "retires from public life.” These could contain confirmation of any complaint Ms. Reade made, either through official congressional channels or to the three other employees she claims she informed not specifically of the alleged assault but more generally of harassment. They could also contain nothing of the sort.

The editorial board repeatedly acknowledged there may indeed be nothing pertinent or about Reade in those files, as Biden now insists, but it said they should be examined:

There are 1,875 boxes and 415 gigabytes of electronic content, largely uncataloged. Searching won’t be as easy as some might assume. But an inventory conducted with an eye toward releasing only relevant material could at least ascertain whether personnel records are part of this archive at all.

The Post’s Matt Viser first wrote about the withholding of the documents this past summer, before these Reade allegations came to light. He noted that the University of Delaware changed its language on when they would be released. Initially they were due in either December 2019 or two years after Biden left "public office” — whichever was later. That would have set the documents for release a few months ago. But the language was later changed to be two years after Biden left "public life” — a broader term that means they remain sealed as Biden seeks the presidency.

As Biden notes, keeping them sealed before he leaves public office is how things are generally done. But that doesn’t account for whether he would release just specific documents pertaining to Reade.

It’s also worth noting that, while Biden questioned who would actually conduct the search, the documents were reviewed by the university starting in 2013. That year, it announced a two-year project to review both Biden’s papers and the papers of the senator who was briefly appointed to replace him, Ted Kaufman (D-Del.). The university said Friday the curation of the documents is ongoing, but it’s logical to assume that process might provide some orderliness to the documents and make it easier to sift through them.

And while the documents may not be a likely home to a complaint like the one Reade says she filed, there could be other documents related to personnel — schedules, memos between staff members and other items — that could speak to Biden’s interactions with Reade and perhaps what happened in the time surrounding the alleged incident. These personal files often contain many different types of information beyond the speeches, interviews, private documents and conversations Biden spoke about Friday morning.

Reade, for instance, has said she was removed from her position overseeing a group of interns after the alleged incident, which she said was retaliation for filing her complaint.

Biden’s denial not just that the complaint would be in the files but that there is anything about Reade in them was also notable, given number of documents in the files spanning his many decades in public life — and given that she was one of many staffers.

The university in its comments Friday morning said members of Biden’s team did review the documents in 2019. Reade had been one of several woman who came forward alleging inappropriate touching in the spring of that year, so it’s possible the campaign might have looked for such records, though Biden didn’t say as much Friday. The university said no members of Biden’s staff had accessed the files this year, which would include the period after Reade made a more serious allegation of sexual assault.

Biden insisted Monday morning that he was confident that the complaint Reade said she filed was not in the National Archives. But the questions about what he is and should be disclosing won’t stop with that.



1 hour ago, Kz! said:

Hold Biden to the same scrutiny or get off Trump and Kavanaugh's nuts.

That's what I thought. Sit down kiddo.

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23 hours ago, Outlaw said:

And you only seem to want to compare it to Trump stuff.  Guess what?  It is possible they're both scumbags, right?

Sure...but if they are running a scumbag race Trump has lapped Biden at least 20 times. 

5 minutes ago, Quiet Boy said:

Right, but they are running a presidential campaign wherein Biden claimed the moral high ground.

ButTrumpisms aside Biden has to address this before the general population hears about it.

With that said, the media has given the Biden camp more than enough time to get his story straight so this should blow over assuming Biden remembers the talking points. Unless of course they trot his wife out to speak for him again.

He has addressed it.  She claims she made a complaint at the time.  Biden called on the National Archives to release the complaint, if it exists.  If it's not there, she's lying.  There's really nothing more to it than that.

7 minutes ago, Quiet Boy said:

Right, but they are running a presidential campaign wherein Biden claimed the moral high ground.




that's not a new campaign tactic, but one many should stop using.

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1 hour ago, L.E said:

That's what I thought. Sit down kiddo.

"Quit pointing out my hypocrisy while I'm trying to point out your hypocrisy!"

Too easy.



2 hours ago, EaglesRocker97 said:

Even the Washington Post can't spin this for Biden:



It was a stupid question. She asked if her name could be searched like the records were in google or something. They aren't digitized. The university would have to hire dozens of people to sift through them. Right now they have a few people curating them. This is only an issue for Bernie Bros and Trumpbots who won't vote for Biden anyway.

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