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Big Brother 24** Godspeed, Poloma


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Anyone watching? Know this thread used to be done pretty well on the old board, so I'm not gonna be able to compete with that, but at this point figured something was better than nothing

List of the cast:


Also livefeeds are dogshit right now for me via the CBS All Access Apple TV app, but the iPhone app works fine when mirroring that to my Apple TV. 

Also think theres a slightly different COVID schedule this year with only episodes Wednesday and Sundays, but maybe that was just for the first week.  

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Watching, but new to Big Brother. Only watched last season and know some from the Challenge, but mostly have no idea who 75% of these people are. 

Also surprised the HOH didn't just throw up David as a nominee. He's newer, has no real experience and has no real connections outside of maybe Nicole. Seems like an easy toss up.

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I think he wants David in his side at some point. It was definitely newer vs older players there. One point that got brought up a lot but debunked in love feeds was why did Janelle and Kasar both play instead of saving for another week, but turns out they were concerned that challenge had a time limit and no one would win. 

4 hours ago, JBENT87 said:

Anyone watching? Know this thread used to be done pretty well on the old board, so I'm not gonna be able to compete with that, but at this point figured something was better than nothing

List of the cast:


Also livefeeds are dogshit right now for me via the CBS All Access Apple TV app, but the iPhone app works fine when mirroring that to my Apple TV. 

Also think theres a slightly different COVID schedule this year with only episodes Wednesday and Sundays, but maybe that was just for the first week. 

Pretty sure it was first week since first night was completely live. They needed to build up video footage before showing a thursday episode. 

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19 hours ago, LeanMeanGM said:

Also surprised the HOH didn't just throw up David as a nominee. He's newer, has no real experience and has no real connections outside of maybe Nicole. Seems like an easy toss up.


16 hours ago, homerpat said:

I think he wants David in his side at some point. It was definitely newer vs older players there.

Yeah a couple of the HGs eluded to this on the live feeds, but this is probably going to go the way the Survivors All Star season went, with the newer players sticking together and targeting the older players and vice versa. Which made Janelle and Kasars decision to go for the immunity a good move. Battle lines being drawn week 1. 

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2 hours ago, JBENT87 said:


Yeah a couple of the HGs eluded to this on the live feeds, but this is probably going to go the way the Survivors All Star season went, with the newer players sticking together and targeting the older players and vice versa. Which made Janelle and Kasars decision to go for the immunity a good move. Battle lines being drawn week 1. 

Hopefully since the season is more drawn out some of the lower new guys realize earlier and start switching it up. David and new Nicole would be good choices for that

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I’m glad they’re doing BB this year.  I started watching around 2010, so some of the players returning I’m not familiar with.  I do a fantasy draft type thing each year, there’s four people and we each pick four players on our team.  It makes the game a bit more interesting for us.  We do it where you get 1 pt for each week a player lasts an eviction, 1 pt for an HOH win, 1 pt for POV win.  Then halfway through we vote on who we think will win it all and who will win America’s favorite.  7 pts for winner, 5 pts for favorite.  Normally we wait until after the first night to pick our team, but since the players were leaked, we picked before.

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Like I mentioned above my live feeds havent been very reliable so far, but from what I saw on Reddit sounds like nobody is talking game this early on. Which makes somewhat sense. I think the best strategy to have in this game is to go in and lay low and try to just get by the first few weeks. And seems like that's what every single person is trying to do, aside from Kasar and Janelle. 

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Yeah, my sense so far is there are about 18 different duos but nothing solidified.  If I had to guess the final shake up it’ll be something along the lines of 

Cody, Tyler, Enzo, David, Nicole F, Dani, Bayleigh, and Christmas

Janelle, Kaysar, Ian, Nicole A, whoever survives of Kevin/Keesha assuming they are still the nominees

Davonne is in an interesting position because everyone seems to want to work with her. She’s close with a few people on the Cody side of the house but she does not trust Nicole F at all. Memphis I think will ultimately side with Kaysar and Janelle, but he’s playing that floater role right now trying to get as much info as possible on their plans and targets. 

But even amongst the players, there’s fluidity. Nicole F is aligned with Ian and fought pretty hard to keep him off Cody’s radar. Dani has connections with Janelle, tho seems more on Cody’s side. Cody wants Kevin to stay because he thinks he can work with him and smooth things over. 

Even though it doesn’t seem like a lot is going on, I think there are a lot of relationships getting pressure tested to determine if an alliance can come to fruition. Next week the cards will start being put on the table. Remember, we’re starting the feeds at the same time the Players Are starting the game, where in the past we’d already be several days into the season before the premiere and the feeds start.

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This will likely be a fairly boring pre-jury game. There’s a fairly large alliance (well two alliances unknowingly linked together by Cody) that will largely pick off the rest of the house. We needed Janelle, Kaysar, Nicole, or Ian to win to at least bring some people over. But I fear we’re looking at house votes for the next few weeks.

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1 hour ago, 20Safety_Hazards said:

This will likely be a fairly boring pre-jury game. There’s a fairly large alliance (well two alliances unknowingly linked together by Cody) that will largely pick off the rest of the house. We needed Janelle, Kaysar, Nicole, or Ian to win to at least bring some people over. But I fear we’re looking at house votes for the next few weeks.

I'm with you but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be boring. Janelle is floating to Nicole A that Ian and Nicole F should be noms since they're the two prior winners... and since everyone loves Ian this would be the only way to ensure getting Nicole F out. If it can find its way up the ladder guess that only makes the target on Janelle bigger, but if Cody doesn't fully trust Nicole F maybe he acts on this idea sooner (next couple weeks) rather than later (jury / after the mega alliance makes its way through picking off the house) 

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you know whats boring? every conversation with cody. His response to everyting, every time, no matter what is "One hundred percent!" 

I guess there wont be many BB boobies this season since just about everyone has a family at home. 

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56 minutes ago, HazletonEagle said:

you know whats boring? every conversation with cody. His response to everyting, every time, no matter what is "One hundred percent!" 

I guess there wont be many BB boobies this season since just about everyone has a family at home. 


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Safety Suite And Noms


Christmas won and saved Ian? Which is bizarre because Christmas is in an alliance with Memphis who wanted Ian available as a potential backdoor option.   But Memphis also refused to tell anyone who he was thinking off putting up or targeting because he wanted people to feel uncomfortable and needing to compete so that he would have less competition next week in the Safety Suite.  His whole strategy for next week killed his strategy for this week.  😆

Nominations: Nicole A and David


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The racial undertones this season given the state of affairs is going to be a huge deal... in a perfect world CBS would have casted much more minorities than they ever have but considering they already committed to All Stars format their options were limited, which is how we got David who doesn't fit at all. Couple that with Davonne and Bayleigh who are going to protect him for the sole reason of being black, (supposedly already said that on live feeds) that's going to prevent a lot of natural gameplay this season, IMO. Which sucks bc we really needed a good season for once. 

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4 hours ago, JBENT87 said:

The racial undertones this season given the state of affairs is going to be a huge deal... in a perfect world CBS would have casted much more minorities than they ever have but considering they already committed to All Stars format their options were limited, which is how we got David who doesn't fit at all. Couple that with Davonne and Bayleigh who are going to protect him for the sole reason of being black, (supposedly already said that on live feeds) that's going to prevent a lot of natural gameplay this season, IMO. Which sucks bc we really needed a good season for once. 

The cast has discussed this on the feeds, but they all received unconscious bias and diversity training before entering the house which was generally well received. We’ll see what happens.

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unless Memphis goes on a winning tear, I give him 4-5 weeks max. They all saw through him

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Bummer that she went home so early. She was one of the more enjoyable people the last few years. At least Janelle and Kasar are trying to play. It’s so boring when a majority just waits out the first half of every season. 

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1 hour ago, homerpat said:

Bummer that she went home so early. She was one of the more enjoyable people the last few years. At least Janelle and Kasar are trying to play. It’s so boring when a majority just waits out the first half of every season. 

I really find myself hating the editing in these episodes more and more. They spend so much time last night teasing NicoleA being the target, then wait a minute it would actually make sense to keep her, here's evidence of the other person on the block not bringing crap to the game, then the episode concludes with "jk its a unanimous decision to evict the person we just lead you to believe had a chance to stay." Obviously this isn't anything new but its right up there with the annoying early season majority alliance targeting and taking out 2/3 people. 

This show really sucks sometimes. Mostly bc the threat of it becoming fun and entertaining is always there, but the contestants just never take those chances anymore. Mob mentality is set in stone the first month of every season, for the last what 5-6 years. 

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It’s Funny, Tyler said last week that people don’t want the old school cut throat divided house of the old days. They the old school game is boring. I gotta be honest, new school play has ruined big brother. These big alliances  and predictable outcome suuuuuucks. Let me tell you how the rest of the season goes.

kaysar next, followed by day or bay depending on which 6 player alliance gets control, then Kevin, then depending on whether the committee or the slick Six win will determine which side of the power alliance will win out.  Tyler, Cody and Dani will make it to the end. 

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15 hours ago, 20Safety_Hazards said:

It’s Funny, Tyler said last week that people don’t want the old school cut throat divided house of the old days. They the old school game is boring. I gotta be honest, new school play has ruined big brother. These big alliances  and predictable outcome suuuuuucks. Let me tell you how the rest of the season goes.

kaysar next, followed by day or bay depending on which 6 player alliance gets control, then Kevin, then depending on whether the committee or the slick Six win will determine which side of the power alliance will win out.  Tyler, Cody and Dani will make it to the end. 

yep, and the editing the whole way will lead casual viewers to believe that this isn't what's going to happen. When if you just casually check in on the live feeds/live feed recaps you can see that this is another season destined for failure. 

Sure if Kaysar wins veto and then HOH next week things can tick up in our favor of having an interesting season, but the mob mentality/majority alliance gives you such a small chance at that every season. IDK what they can really do to fix this. If they continue casting social media influencers/instagram models/shallow millenials this is how it's always going to be. 

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Hi guys! Again the season started during my busiest work period.

No more Big Bro After Dark and I don't want to pay for feeds.

This season has lost a little luster but I like some of the HGs so I'll hang in. 

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I only began watching this show last season. Mrs HE and I loved it, yet I have seen a ton of criticism from long time BB fans over the cast and style of game play last season and so far this season. 

This all star format this year has everyone so far gunning for the most respected major threats from prior seasons first. Which obviously has made it pretty predictable. 

I wonder if it wouldnt be better to do the opposite of an all star season and take a whole bunch of people who got voted out like 1st or 2nd on previous seasons. Call it redemption or something like that. 

Maybe theyll suck. Or maybe youll uncover more stars that never got the chance. But one thing is for sure. There wont be people that everyone wants to gang up on for being too good. 

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9 hours ago, HazletonEagle said:

I only began watching this show last season. Mrs HE and I loved it, yet I have seen a ton of criticism from long time BB fans over the cast and style of game play last season and so far this season. 

This all star format this year has everyone so far gunning for the most respected major threats from prior seasons first. Which obviously has made it pretty predictable. 

I wonder if it wouldnt be better to do the opposite of an all star season and take a whole bunch of people who got voted out like 1st or 2nd on previous seasons. Call it redemption or something like that. 

Maybe theyll suck. Or maybe youll uncover more stars that never got the chance. But one thing is for sure. There wont be people that everyone wants to gang up on for being too good. 

The thing is, Janelle hasn’t finished higher than  3rd and was eliminated ore jury last time. Kaysar never made jury, Keesha’s a bit irrelevant and Nicole A was literally just on. Compare that to Ian and Nicole who both won, Memphis and Cody who are both on two of the most dominant duos in show history, Enzo who was on the most dominant alliance in show history, and Dani who made final two, there are way bigger threats in the house than 3 of the 4 people targeted. 

The problem with modern day big brother is the first few weeks are group think. There’s a massive alliance that wins all the comps and if you are not in the alliance you’ll be sent home first. There is no chance to flip the vote because it’s "what the house wants.”  Back in the day, people tried to flip the votes all the time, making eviction night a bit more unpredictable and more action in the house. 

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On 9/1/2020 at 7:41 AM, 20Safety_Hazards said:

The thing is, Janelle hasn’t finished higher than  3rd and was eliminated ore jury last time. Kaysar never made jury, Keesha’s a bit irrelevant and Nicole A was literally just on. Compare that to Ian and Nicole who both won, Memphis and Cody who are both on two of the most dominant duos in show history, Enzo who was on the most dominant alliance in show history, and Dani who made final two, there are way bigger threats in the house than 3 of the 4 people targeted. 

The problem with modern day big brother is the first few weeks are group think. There’s a massive alliance that wins all the comps and if you are not in the alliance you’ll be sent home first. There is no chance to flip the vote because it’s "what the house wants.”  Back in the day, people tried to flip the votes all the time, making eviction night a bit more unpredictable and more action in the house. 

this, this, this. It really is a shame. I also got into the show late, around season 16 or so but have since gone back and watched some others. Around season 15 it seems like CBS "sold out" and opted for more attractive HGs than normal people and the strategy on the show has gone down since then big time. I def like blaming production but at the end of the day they need to cast better. 

One of the biggest moments is "Dans Funeral" and he pulled it off bc he was able to convince the HOH to keep him. At the end of the day thats just two people talking and arriving at a conclusion that benefits both of them. There has to be a way to get through the mob mentality and get people to abandon it. But if theyre shallow loser people, they wont do that and are going to stick with their numbers, even if they're on the bottom of the totem pole.

Also, considering social media etc today and how people become influencers after this, people want as much exposure as possible. So if that means riding the mega alliance through the first 4-5 weeks if it keeps them safe, while bringing mental warfare and bullying on one or two individuals, thats what they're going to do. 

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